
A Letter For Judgemental

 Dear ------,                        You say I'm slut, stupid, bitch, and so on. Applause for you dear! So you know myself more than I do? I'm starting to wonder if you have that special ability to foresee one's personality. Great! May I ask when did we first met? It looks like just a month ago. So, in just a month you already created a judgement of me.To tell you  dear, you just know my name not my story. You see my happiness, not my pains. You see my cuts not my scars. You can read my lips but not my mind. So please stop creating a version of me. Never judge me without knowing my real story. You may think you understand but you don't. Just please, If you don't know, then ask me. If you don't agree, then argue with me. If you don't like, then say it with me BUT don't start judging me SILENTLY. You don't know me at all. What you 'KNOW' is only what I choose to show you, so quit judging me based on what you see, 'cause there is more abou